Clinical Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in the Treatment of Samane-mufrat (Obesity)
Mohammad Ali, Mohd. Anwar, M. Shoaib
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 23-39
A randomized single blind placebo controlled trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Unani formulation viz Ajwain desi/ Nankhwah (Trachyspermum ammi L.), Tukhme Suddab (Ruta graveolens L.), Zeera Siyah/Kamoon (Carum carvi L.), Marzanjosh (Origanum majorana L.), Bura Armani (Armeniac bole) in the patients of Saman-e-Mufrat (Obesity). Total 30 patients were allocated randomly to Test and Control groups and were treated with Unani formulation and with placebo respectively for the period of 60 days. All the Patients were advised planned diet and 30 minutes brisk walk daily for the same duration and they were assessed for subjective and objective parameters. The data was statistically analyzed by Repeated Measures ANOVA with post test and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test, One-way ANOVA and Friedman test.
A significant improvement in intra group comparison was noted in objective parameters, (Body weight, Body Mass Index, Upper Arm Circumference, Waist Hip Ratio, Skin fold thickness). In inter group comparison the effect on UAC and WHR were significant while effect on body weight, BMI and Skin fold thickness was statistically not significant. The study revealed that the test drug is safe and effective for the management of obesity.