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Therapeutic Evaluation of Safuf Mudir and Sharbat Bazuri Motadil in Urinary Tract Infections (Tadiya Majrae-Baul)

Juwairia Ashraf, Tabassum Latafat and M.Mohsin

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine January - March 2012, Vol. 7 No. 2, Pages 21-29


Urinary tract infection is an inflammatory responseof urothelium to bacterial invasion. These infections fall into two anatomic categories; the lower urinary tract infections comprising of urethritis and cystitis and the upper urinary tract infections comprising of pyelonephritis, prostatitis, and intrarenal and perinephric abscesses. In patients of such ailments Safuf

mudir and Sharbat Bazuri motadil plays a drastic role. This study is therefore carried out to assess the efficacy and safety of the said drugs. Sixty patients satisfying the inclusion criteria were selected for the randomized single blind standard controlled study in the department of Moalijat Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College and hospital. All the patients were divided into test and control groups by random table numbers. 6 gm of Safuf Mudir and 20 ml of Sharbat Bazuri motadil were prescribed twice daily for 21 days to 40 patients (Group A). The study was designed by a control group of 20 patients in which Ofloxacin 200 mg was prescribed twice daily for the same duration (Group B). The assessment was carried out at weekly intervals. The data were analysed biostatstically.

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