Frequently asked questions of ILMUL AMRAZ in AIAPGET, AMU, NIUM, DU, CRIUM PGET
Which hammam is benificial in? (DU 2009)
A. Hammam haar
B. Hammam turki
C. Hammam dawai
D. Hammam ramli
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Hammam ke teesre kamre ki kaifiyat kiya honi chahiye? (AMU 13)
a. Moatadil
b. Garam tar
c. Garam khusk
d. Sard khusk
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Hammam is advisable during: (AMU 13)
a. Early pregnancy
b. Mid pregnancy
c. Late pregnancy
d. Few days before delivery
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Hammam Qadmi ka mutaraadif name hai: (AMU 14)
a. Abzan
b. Pashoya
c. Hammam Ramli
d. Hammam Baraqi
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Mandarja zail me se kis marz me dalak ki mamnoo hai: (AMU 14)
a. Wajaul asab
b. Farbahi
c. Wajaul irqunnisa
d. Warme Mafasil Haad
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Mandarja zail asbab baroodat paida karte hai except? (AMU 05)
a. Ehtabas wa istifragh ki ziyadti
b. Sukoon wa neend ki ziyadti
c. Ghiza me kami
d. Ufoonat ka hona
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Soo-e-Mizaj Mustawi me: (AMU 12)
a. Dard ka ehsaas daf'atan hota hai
b. Dard ka ehsaas kabhi hota hai Dard ka ehsaas daf’atan hota hai
c. Dard ka ehsaas kabhi nahi hota hai
d. Dard ka ehsaas mustaqil hota hai
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Aims and objectives of Dalak are (NIUM 15)
a. Strengthening of the body
b. Strengthening of the nerves
c. Removing waste from skin
d. All of the above
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Exercise is a (NIUM 15)
a. Voluntary movement
b. Involuntary movement
c. a & b both
d. None of the above
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Waja-e-saqeel is related to: (NIUM 13)
A. Sensitive organs
D. Insensitive organs
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above
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Dalak is included in: (NIUM 13)
A. Asbab-e-zarooriya
B. Asbab-e-maddiya
C. Asbab-e-ghair zarooriya
D. Asbab-e-tamamiya
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Waja-e-khishn is caused by: (NIUM 06)
A. Khiit-e-ghaleez
B. Khilt-e-raqeeq
C. Reehi madda
D. None of the above
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In which of the following disease Dalak is contraindicated: (DU 2009)
A. Waja-e-irqunnisa
B. Mafaasil ke muzmin amraz
C. Mafaasil ke haad amraz
D. None of the above
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Mandarja zail asbab baroodat paida karte hai except? (AMU 05)
a. Ehtabas wa istifragh ki ziyadti
b. Sukoon wa neend ki ziyadti
c. Ghiza me kami
d. Ufoonat ka hona
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Musabiqat is also known as: (DU 2009)
A. Bhagna
B. Tez chalna
C. Dheere chalna
D. Kood kar chalna
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Hammam karne ki kis halat me sudde banne ke imkaan hai: (AMU 09)
a. Empty stomach
b. Full stomach
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
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Aghraze dalak me darja zail shamil nahi hai: (AMU 09)
a. Naram azlaat ko sakht karna
b. Mote azlaat ko dubla karna
c. Aasab ko taqwwiyat dena
d. Fuzlat dafa karne ke liye
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Miqdaare warzish ke taaiyun ka taluque darje zail se nahi hai: (AMU 09)
a. Jild kinrangat
b. Saans ki harkat
c. Paseena ki halat
d. Harkat-e-aza
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Tadabeer-e Atfal me 6 years ki umr ke children me darje zail tadbeer se mazon hai: (AMU 09)
a. Hammam me takhfeef aur riyazat me kasrat
b. Hammam me kasrat aur riyazat me takhfee
c. Dono me takhfeef
d. Dono me kasrat
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Tadabeer-e mashaikh me kaun se darje zail tadbeer nahi shamil hai: (AMU 09)
a. Martoob aur musakkhin aghziya ka istemal
b. Dalak aur riyazat ka istemal
c. Mudriyaat ka istemal
d. Barid aghzia ka istemal
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