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Frequently asked questions of MOALAJAT  in AIAPGET, AMU, NIUM, DU, CRIUM PGET

Given below are two statements [AIAPGET - 2021]:

Statement I: Children are prone to bedwetting due to the predominance of moistness in their organs.
(بول فی الفراش مرض بچوں میں بہت عام ہوتا ہے کیونکہ ان کے اعضاء زیادہ مرطوب ہوتے ہیں)

Statement II: Bedwetting (بول فی الفراش) is caused by the flaccidity of the muscles of the urinary bladder.
(بول فی الفراش کا سبب مثانہ کے عضلات کا ڈھیلا ہونا ہے)

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(C) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
(D) Statement I is false but Statement II is true

(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true

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Find the synonym(s) for Infantile convulsion/spasm (تشنج اطفال) [AIAPGET - 2021]:

I. Tashannuj Salaami (تشنج سلامی)
II. Ra'sha Al-Atfaal (رعشہ اطفال)
III. Uqaal Al-Atfaal (عقال اطفال)
IV. Uqaal Hawamil (عقال حوامل)
V. Khunaq (خناق)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(A) I, II and IV only
(B) III and IV only
(C) I and III only
(D) IV and V only

(C) I and III only

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Nuskha Ghariussamak (نسخہ غری السمک) is recommended for which of the following? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Bronchial Asthma
(B) Tuberculosis
(C) Paralysis
(D) All of the above

(B) Tuberculosis

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Humma Mevia / Enteric Fever (حمی معویہ) is which type of the following? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Humma Mutabiqa and Damwiya Afooniya (حمی مطبقہ و دمویہ عفونیہ)
(B) Humma Mutabiqa, Lisqa and Damwiya Afooniya (حمی مطبقہ، لثقہ و دمویہ عفونیہ)
(C) Humma Mufatira, Muaziba and Mutabiqa (حمی مفتره، مواظبہ و مطبقہ)
(D) Humma Mutabiqa and Muaziba (حمی مطبقہ و مواظبہ)

(A) Humma Mutabiqa and Damwiya Afooniya (حمی مطبقہ و دمویہ عفونیہ)

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Soo-ul-Qinniya (سوء القنیه) is always associated with which of the following? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Zoaf-e-Jigar (ضعف جگر)
(B) Ascites (استسقاء طبلی)
(C) Anasarca (استسقاء عامہ)
(D) All of the above

(A) Zoaf-e-Jigar (ضعف جگر)

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Zubha Sadriya (ذبحة صدرية) is related to which of the following? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Coronary Artery Disease (امراض شریان اکلیلی)
(B) Pleura (غشاء الرئة)
(C) Pulmonary Embolism (انسداد الرئوی)
(D) Valvular Heart Disease (مرض صمامات القلب)

(A) Coronary Artery Disease (امراض شریان اکلیلی)

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Intisabi (انتسابی) is recommended treatment for which of the following disorders? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Falij (فالج)
(B) Hassatul Kulliya (حصاة الكلية)
(C) Zeeq-u-Nafas (ضیق النفس)
(D) Zoaf-e-Meda (ضعف معدہ)

(C) Zeeq-u-Nafas (ضیق النفس)

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Which type of Malankholia (مالیخولیا) is associated with Junoon (جنون)? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Sauda Balghami (سودا بلغمی)
(B) Sauda Damwi (سودا دموی)
(C) Sauda Safrawi (سودا صفراوی)
(D) Sauda Saudawi (سودا سوداوی)

(C) Sauda Safrawi (سودا صفراوی)

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In which type of headache does the head feel very hot but very light? [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Suda-e-Balghami (صداع بلغمی)
(B) Suda-e-Damwi (صداع دموی)
(C) Suda-e-Safrawi (صداع صفراوی)
(D) Suda-e-Saudawi (صداع سوداوی)

(C) Suda-e-Safrawi (صداع صفراوی)

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According to Ibn Sina, the first stage of Humma Diq (حمّی دِقّ) is [AIAPGET - 2021]:

(A) Diq (دِقّ)
(B) Mufatit (مُفَتِّت)
(C) Muhashif (مُحَشِّف)
(D) Zubool (زُبُول)

(A) Diq (دِقّ)

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